10 Extreme Water Disasters in 10 Days.

The American Business Water Coalition (ABWC) released a report that exposes the urgent need for the federal government to drastically increase water infrastructure funding and protect the nation’s businesses and local economies. ABWC’s new Business Impact Fact Sheet, “10 Extreme Water Disasters in 10 Days Shut Down Local Economies Across the Nation,” gathers a list of water infrastructure failures directly tied to extreme weather and business loss in or surrounding major metropolitan areas in all regions of the country between the dates of Jan. 14 and Jan. 23.

Water infrastructure and business risks state reports.

The following state reports, compiled by the Environmental Policy Innovation Center, illustrate the risks to thriving businesses, job creation and local economic growth in the specified state by identifying water infrastructure projects and regions that may be impacted should the FY24 House Interior-Environment Appropriations bill be signed into law.

The American Business Water Coalition is a group of water-reliant businesses—from manufacturing to energy to tech and beyond. The coalition provides a platform for businesses across the country to urge Congress and the Administration to increase investment in water infrastructure, and foster relationships between businesses and their local utilities.
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